• Make a difference to the future
    Make a difference to the future

Why Underground Construction?

With the increasing threat of climate change and a rapidly growing global population there has never been more need to find alternative and sustainable ways to live. That is what Deep Underground is for.

We are a global, collaborative effort seeking to create real-world solutions in a cost-efficient and sustainable manner. You can download our paper on this below and you can join us here and make your difference to the future.

How you can help?

We need engineers, architects, dreamers and visionaries. We need people that can see beyond what is and can imagine what can be. If you feel you can help the project in anyway, then please join us. If you have skills in any of the following areas, then please join us. Share your knowledge, join the cause and help make a difference to the future

Do you have knowledge of:

    • Tunneling technology
    • Underground constructions
    • Deep mining and drilling
    • Geothermal energy
    • Daylight transfer
    • Magnetic levitation
    • Architecture
    • Constructions From Natural Materials
    • Excavation techniques
    • 3D printing
    • Underground farming
    • Environment
    • Elevators
    • Traffic
    • Interior Design
    • Orbit Travel
    • Space & Other Planets

Or any other specialism that will be needed for realising underground opportunities?
Then join us.

Join our community

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What is the journey?

We already have a good knowledge base from which we have started. Now as we are adding more people to the Deep Underground mission, we are looking to collaborate and share and develop ideas as the team grows.
Once we have the collaborators we need, we will work together on scoping the project, refining our ideas into a paper. From there we can look to prototyping and trialling our concepts, whether directly or with future partnerships.

This project isn’t for us, it is for everyone, the knowledge must be shared, especially as there will be those in a greater position to deliver on our plans than we are.
We are just the beginning, the collaborators, the thinkers, the planners creating an idea whose effect can be felt across generations to come.

Join us and make a difference to the future.